Iztapa, Guatemala – The Captain Hook made famous by Capt. Ron Hamlin has just passed a major milestone releasing its 30,00th Billfish. Now, under the control by Capt. Eddie Bairez, this boat has no doubt seen more billfish than any in the world. Capt. Eddie gives all the credit to Capt. Ron who handed over the helm with 22,700 billfish under its belt, but adding another 7,300 Billfish is a pretty serious accomplishment in itself. While the vast majority were Sailfish, Capt. Bairez also released forty-one (41) Blue Marlin, 4 Striped Marlin and 3 Black Marlin during his time.
Capt. Bairez is far from calling it quits though. We may very well be talking about the Captain Hook hitting 50,000. Wouldn’t that be something!
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