Cape Verdes = En Fuego!

Cape Verde Islands – Without doubt this is one of the finest Blue Marin fisheries in the World, if not THE best. What makes this fishery different from most though, is they get size AND numbers. The Cape Verdes have added nine (9) 500+ Blue Marlin in about two weeks of fishing, which even for their standards is high. Even as impressive as that is, the numbers lately have us scratching our heads. We have had plenty of 3-4 Blue Marlin days reported (as if that is not special) but the our latest report from Capt. Zak Conde on the Amelia took our breath away. Capt. Zak managed to release 12 Blue Marlin on 19 Strikes, raising another 6! That means in one day, the boys saw 25 Blue Marlin! That is more than some U.S. boats see in a Season!

If the Cape Verdes are not on your list, feel free to add them now.


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