Record marlin caught in Big Rock Tournament

Minutes ago the largest blue marlin in the 52-year history of the Big Rock tournament was weighed – an 883-pounder caught on the Citation.

Was otherwise a decent day for the tournament…the numbers…

92 boats on the water (151 entered)

Blue marlin – 4 (3 released, 1 weighed)

White marlin – 3

Spearfish – 1

Sailfish – 2

Hatchet marlin – 1

Tournament continues for the next five days – boats fish four of the six days.

For more information on the Big Rock tournament go to


  • nick
    Posted June 15, 2010 4:25 pm 0Likes

    why didn’t they let it go?

  • Tinto
    Posted June 16, 2010 12:08 pm 0Likes

    An 800+ pound fish, that isn’t going to be eaten, has been killed … why?

  • Babington
    Posted June 16, 2010 8:44 pm 1Likes

    @Tinto and Nick — I agree with you but for $318,000 I would of killed it too!

  • ben
    Posted June 16, 2010 8:54 pm 0Likes

    tournaments are kinda funny about handing out 3 0r 4 hundred g’s based on your estimate of how much it weighed

  • John
    Posted June 16, 2010 11:47 pm 0Likes

    Some tournaments will take fish of size. Big Rock’s rules allow a fish 400+ pounds, or one whose short measurement runs 110″.

    I’m with you – would rather no fish be killed – and we do debate when and how many dead fish to post on the site. Our conclusion is that if it’s in a tournament and is a noteworthy catch (this one was the record in 52 years of Big Rock fishing), or if it’s a fish that goes greater than 1,000 pounds, we’ll post information on it and potentially pictures of it.

    I have enormous sympathy for your position and share it…we generally don’t celebrate killing marlin at all.

    • Maverick
      Posted October 20, 2011 12:29 am 0Likes

      You get a lot of respect from me for writing these helpful arltices.

  • Royce
    Posted November 12, 2018 11:59 am 0Likes

    The 883 lb. marlin died at sea while in fight. The trick was to save the fish . Try to pull 883 on 100lb test line without breaking off and lose the whole thing.

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