2011 Billfisheries of the Year – #5 Panama

2011 Billfisheries of the Year – #5 Panama

The Billfish Report is counting down its Top 10 Billfisheries of the Year, and coming in at #5 is Panama. Criteria for our Top 10 list – taken from the daily billfish reports we receive from hundreds of captains around the world –  include the following: fish numbers, variety of billfish species, average size of fish and length of season.  These are then compiled, factoring in…

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2011 Billfisheries of the Year – #6 Great Barrier Reef

2011 Billfisheries of the Year – #6 Great Barrier Reef

The Billfish Report is counting down its Top 10 Billfisheries of the Year, and coming in at #6 is the Great Barrier Reef. Criteria for our Top 10 list – taken from the daily billfish reports we receive from hundreds of captains around the world –  include the following: fish numbers, variety of billfish species, average size of fish and length of season.  These are then…

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2011 Billfisheries of the Year – #7 Venezuela

2011 Billfisheries of the Year – #7 Venezuela

The Billfish Report is counting down its Top 10 Billfisheries of the Year, and coming in at #7 is Venezuela.  Criteria for our Top 10 include fish numbers, variety of billfish species, average size of fish and length of season. Long known as one of the best fisheries on earth for multiple billfish in a single day – and multiple species – last year…

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2011 Billfisheries of the Year – #8 Mozambique

2011 Billfisheries of the Year – #8 Mozambique

The Billfish Report is counting down its Top 10 Billfisheries of the Year, and coming in at #8 is Mozambique.  Criteria for our Top 10 include fish numbers, variety of billfish species, average size of fish and length of season. There are likely few to no fisheries in the world that achieve so much with so few boats as Mozambique.   First of all, this…

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Guatemala Sailing

Guatemala Sailing

Guatemala – Sailfish season is upon us and as usual, the numbers are excellent. Well known Capt. Brad Philipps of Guatemala Billfishing Aventures who runs the Decisive has been putting up some very impressive Sailfish numbers as usual, but has had some great Blue Marlin days as well. I think these select reports speak for themselves! 22-29 on Sailfish 24-31 on Sailfish…

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Epic Sailfishing in South Florida

Epic Sailfishing in South Florida

South Florida – Cold fronts bring the sailfish down south and man they were thick. We were bombarded with 20+ fish days, but were blown away by Capt. Ray Rosher’s 44 Sailfish released day. Capt. Matt Dunckel on High Stakes released 30 (Pictured Above). Reely Tight released 39 and Sandman released 30+. Silver Sailfish Derby starts today, so expect some…

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Richards Bay Billfish Run

Richards Bay Billfish Run

Richards Bay, South Africa – It appears that a very nice run of marlin is upon us. 58 Billfish were caught today from the small fleet, with Capt. Trevor Hansen going 2-4. According to Capt. Hansen, “there were boats fighting fish everywhere”. It appears to be a good season in the Western Indian Ocean this year.    

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Billfish Report