Flamingo’s Blacks Jump Too!

Flamingo’s Blacks Jump Too!

Flamingo, CR – While fishing with Capt. Richard Chellemi on the Gamefisher II (www.gamefisher2.com), traveling angler Nehl Horton captured these great shots of an estimated 450 lbs Black Marlin. In two days fishing, Capt. Richard put Nehl on three marlin, releasing two blues and this black. They raised three more fish, going 3-6 for the two days fishing. Sounds like a good “off-season”…

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Getting the Shot

Getting the Shot

If you saw the new Marlin you may have noticed our new friend Marc Montocchio has the cover image. Marc spent countless hours behind a number of boats trying to film the perfect shot of a blue marlin strike and boy did he get it. This video not only gives you an idea of what he had to do to…

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Brazil White Marlin

Brazil White Marlin

Vitoria, Brazil – Big White Marlin are the name of the game for Capt. Bruno Larica (www.billfishbrazil.com) with many of their fish well over 100 lbs. Thus far this year, he has caught three fish over 130 lbs with one weighed at 142 lbs. U.S. guys are used to the 50 lbs fish, but that is small be Brazilian standards.…

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Billfish Report